zaterdag 25 september 2010

Efficiënte teammeetings: tijdbesparende tips

Meetings in many companies are one of the most popular activities. Yet many meetings all but efficient. Some meetings are downright unnecessary.
A good meeting may nevertheless a great bear fruit . We give some tips for your next meetings in the right direction :
  1. Know what you want. Sometimes , people sit together to brainstorm , sometimes see they prefer to the problems solved and another time it is intended for informational purposes only . You determine and distributes the agenda best in advance. This avoids you know that your fellow team members excited ideas to start spouting while you really 're waiting for a important decision.
  2. frequently far moren is not a luxury , especially when it comes to projects with strict deadlines. Yet it is pointless to out of habit hold a meeting when there is little or nothing to say. Such meetings will quickly turn into an extra coffee break or a relaxing moment . Will require some practice sessions valuable time of the participants. Therefore, if there is nothing to say or to decide is , do better to the meeting cancel .
  3. Last meeting was good for nothing. after 75 minutes disappears the concentration of the participants than as snow in the Sun If you still get stuck in a marathon meeting, try then to ensure that adequate rest breaks are inserted .
  4. Conference on pace. Work systematically and checked the items from the agenda . Nothing is more frustrating than a full agenda of which only two points are discussed because there is too much out wide. It 's your job to it under control keep .

Source :

7 tips om om efficiënter te vergaderen

1 . Place only a meeting place when there actually need is .
Often happen meetings out of custom or security ( "there 'd better something to report be ).

2 . Put in advance an agenda .
Make this known to the people who should know so they can prepare . try you to agenda. This will avoid a meeting to urge strikes .

3 . Last meeting was good for nothing .
after 75 minutes disappears the concentration of the participants than as snow in the Sun If you still get stuck in a marathon meeting, try then to ensure that adequate rest breaks are inserted .

4 . Try to start on time , even if not everyone present.
Depending on the type of people you them meet you can play with timing. You know your fellow conference agents often tend to endless elaboration, planning the meeting or shortly before noon or shortly before the end of the day . Are people who have difficulty punctual , work with a strange time, for example 17 after hours . This way of working would punctuality encourage .

5 . Keep the number of participants to the meeting is limited .
The more people, the more different views . Moreover, people who are not really needed at the meeting just wasting their time . The same goes for you , if you do not really need it , then stay rather away . Ask if necessary, the report afterwards.

6 . Make a Plan
Make it a habit to at the end of the meeting briefly sum up and the action plan to overflow. So knows everyone the way out for sure who that doing is . Give everyone a copy of the action list . A report of the meeting can be retrofitted afterwards.

7 . Avoid people each other repeating .
Imagine if need someone to the meeting in the right direction . Be brief , concise and to the point .

Source :